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Achieving Balance: Elevating Personal & Business Standards - A Journey of Self-Improvement and Goal-Setting - Raise The Standard Apparel

Achieving Balance: Elevating Personal & Business Standards - A Journey of Self-Improvement and Goal-Setting

Sometimes you need to step back… assess your standards and goals.
My goal and dream is Raise The Standard. I have been so focused on building Raise The Standard and juggling being a new father that I let myself slip up. I didn’t have balance, and I don’t mean work-play balance. If you want something set that shit aside. You can play when you achieve something actually worth having.
I struggled to balance my personal and business goals. I stopped focusing on myself. If you are struggling, want to improve, or need to get back on track. You aren’t alone.
Here are a few things I started doing that helped me.
- When I wake up, don’t check your phone.
- Mentally prepare yourself for the day.
- No drinking
- Workout EVERY Day (weights, cardio)
- Surround yourself with people that want the best for you.
- Find a diet that works for you.
- Write your goals down every day.
- When you feel like not doing something. Own it.
- Focus on winning the day.
- Invest in yourself.
- Always be eager to learn (I listened to audibles)
It’s always going to be you vs you. I’m not where I want to be, but I know I will get there. When I do, I will make a new standard. A new goal. #RaiseTheStandard

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